Fotos from the 1990s - 31
31. Pak Wondos Körper wird aus dem Haus getragen, Kratonan, Solo, 1999.
Sumarah in  the 1990s - 1
Suamarah in the 1990s - 2
Sumarah in the 1990s - 3
Sumarah in the 1990s - 4
Sumarah in the 1990s - 5
Sumarah in the 1990s - 10
Sumarah in the 1990s - 9
Sumarah in the 1990s - 6
Sumarah in  the 1990s - 7
Suamarah in the 1990s - 8
Sumarah in the 1990s - 11
Sumarah in the 1990s - 13
Sumarah in the 1990s - 12
Sumarah in the 1990s - 14
Sumarah in the 1990s - 15
Sumarah in the 1990s - 16
Sumarah in the 1990s - 18
Fotos from the 1990s - 19
Sumarah in the 1990s - 20
Sumarah in the 1990s - 21
Sumarah in  the 1990s - 22
Sumarah in the 1990s - 23
Sumarah in the 1990s - 24
Sumarah in the 1990s - 25
Sumarah in the 1990s - 26
Fotos from the 1990s - 27
Fotos from the 1990s - 28
Fotos from the 1990s - 29
Fotos from the 1990s - 31
Fotos from the 1990s - 30
Fotos from the 1990s - 34
Fotos from the 1990s - 33