Regular Meetings

Also now after Corona virus situation, most of the meetings are happening in different ways, mostly on Zoom. For more information and to receive the Zoom link, please contact the responsible person listed below. Beside that also be aware that the sessions of small groups may sometimes change time or date of the meeting for different personal reasons, so please when you wish to join better to always contact the responsible person mentioned as contact.


Place: Centro Amrita Via Brunero Paoli 31

Every week: Wednesday, 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm
guided by Franca Nardi  and Antonella Tessitore 

Contact: franca.nardi[at]
phone: +39 - 328 887 70 94

Place: Via dei Magagna 15  Vecchiano

Every week: Tuesday, 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm
guided by Donatella Messina 

Contact: tellamessi[at]
phone: +39 - 339 208 46 16

Place: Associazione Raphael
Via B. Cavalieri, 46
56010 Pappiana-Pontasserchio

Every week: Monday, 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm
guided alternatively by Franca Nardi and Giuliana Terracciano 

Contact: franca.nardi[at] 
phone: +39 - 328 887 70 94

Place: Via di Parigi 55

Every week: Monday, 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm 
guided by Rori Le Grottaglie

Contact: legrott[at]
phone: +39 - 348 269 08 54

Place: Si-Amo holistic center
Via Traversi 21 

Twice a month: Second and fourth Wednesday of the month, 8.30 pm to 10.30 pm
guided by Alessandra Panozzo

Contact: m.alessandrapanozzo[at}
phone: +39 - 328 198 69 82  


Tuesday, 8 pm to 9.30 pm
All Tuesdays of the month on Zoom
guided by Cornelia Ottinger or Susanne Klein

Twice a month in presence 
guided by Cornelia Ottinger
(Please contact Conny directly for current dates and the link to the Zoom sessions).   

Kulturhaus Schöneberg
Kyffhäuser Str. 23
10781 Berlin

and once a month: second Sunday of the month,
9 am until 11 am (on Zoom)

Contact: conny-o[at] 
phone: +49 - 30-219 693 65

Place: Das Nachbarschaftshaus
Ansgarstrasse 5
50825 Köln-Neuehrenfeld
Telefon: +49 221-16 85 74 59

Every week: Saturday, 8.30 am until 10.30 am
guided by Michael Dick  

Place: Andreaehaus,
Graf-Adolf-Str. 22,
51065 Köln-Mühlheim

Twice a month: Wednesday, 7.00 pm until 9.00 pm
guided by Michael Dick

Contact and info:
phone: +49 - 221-32 14 94
(please contact Michael first) 

 Veronika Schenk
Siebengebirgsallee 75
50939 Köln (or on Zoom or hybrid)

On Wednesdays of at 7.30 pm until 9.00 pm 
Each 1. Wednesday evening via Zoom 
Each 2. Wednesday evening hybrid (that is on Zoom at at Veronika's place)
Each 3. Wednesday evening  in persence at Helga Haug until March: Siebengebirgsallee 66, 50939 Köln

And every third Sunday of the month: 9.00 am until 11.00 am

guided by Veronika Schenk
(please contact Veronika first) 

Contact: schenk[at]
phone: +49 - 221-42 21 15 

Place: Praxis für Psychotherapie
Bahrenfelder Str. 73d
22765 Hamburg

Every first Tuesday of the month: 8 pm to 9.30 pm
guided by Susanne Klein
(please contact Susanne first)

Contact: sannejava[at]
phone: +49 - 163-441 59 60

: Nachbarschaftstreff
Schnellstraße 34/ Ecke Haubachstraße
22765 Hamburg  

Every week: Tuesday, 7 pm to 8.30 pm
guided by Gabriele Ansorge
(please contact Gabriele first)

phone: +49 - 40-386 123 55

Place: Library Stelle or on Zoom   

On Thursday (except during school holidays)
8.o0 pm to 9.30 pm
guided by Dorothee Lundberg
(Please contact Dorothee to find out,
on which Thursday the meeting is in the library or on Zoom.)
Contact: dorothee.lundberg[at]
phone: +49 - 4174-669 164 


Every week: Sunday, 10.30 a.m. to 12.00 a.m. 
guided by Melanie Munt
(please contact Melanie first)

Contact: melaniemunt[at]

In various places
Please contact Sandra Reeve (sdreeve[at]   
In Solo, Yogyakarta, Jakarta, Surabaya and some smaller villages
Please contact Laura Romano (laurarningsih[at]   


First Wednesday in a month in St. Kilda
facilitated by Claudia Stern
Ring or email beforehand to make sure it’s on:
phone: (+61) 0430 234 631 or sterncmail[at]

In various other places
Please contact Leonie and Graeme Northfield (graemeandleonie[at]